Analysis of the elements that generate trust in money and cryptocurrencies

Keywords: Bitcoin, money, trust, cryptocurrencies, blockchain.


The development of this research focused on the analysis of trust in money and cryptocurrencies, for the recognition of their durability in the future, through the literary review of different research related to the subject. Evidencing that the evolution of money was solving different problems that society faced in the face of the growth of the economy, where money went from being based on its intrinsic value to the trust that society places in it. This allowed us to conclude that, now when the trust of money is insociety, the durability of money is the responsibility of the guarantees of transparency, usability and transactionality that people make of the form of money chosen  as collectively, as is the case for example of bitcoin.


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How to Cite
Marrugo Palomino, O. D. (2023). Analysis of the elements that generate trust in money and cryptocurrencies. Colombian Journal of Accounting - ASFACOP, 11(22).
Financial accounting, finance and accounting systems