La deuda pública en las finanzas del Estado

  • Juan Machuca Sanabria Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Keywords: Public debt, debt service, funding sources, sustainability.


This paper describes the situation of the Colombian public debt for the period 2000 - 2013, first briefly presents the history, the current structure, classification and major differences of this. Next, the results of the balances of both internal and external public debt, separated by national government and territorial level are describing its composition and evolution. Then specify some of the causes of improved indicators and how much was due to changes in debt structure, an analysis of debt service, its components and how was the behavior with respect to the Gross Domestic Product. Finally, a presentation on the sustainability of the debt.


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How to Cite
Machuca Sanabria, J. (2016). La deuda pública en las finanzas del Estado. Colombian Journal of Accounting - ASFACOP, 3(5), 43-62. Retrieved from