The healthcare costs in the context of the pandemic: a reflection at a global level

Keywords: health care costs, COVID-19, Latin America, Colombia, health care financing


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the health care systems worldwide, particularly in Latin America and Colombia. This article aims to analyze the impact of the pandemic on health care expenditures and its implications for these regions. We provide an overview of the major drivers of health care costs and the impact of the pandemic on health care utilization, costs, and financing. The article also discusses the challenges faced by health care providers, policymakers, and patients in responding to the pandemic's impact on health care costs. Finally, we present strategies to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on health care costs and improve health outcomes in Latin America and Colombia. This article concludes that a multi-pronged approach involving health care providers, policymakers, and patients is necessary to address the challenges posed by the pandemic and improve the resilience of the health care systems.


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How to Cite
Alvarado Avella, H. (2023). The healthcare costs in the context of the pandemic: a reflection at a global level. Colombian Journal of Accounting - ASFACOP, 11(21), 1-23.
Costs, administration, productivity and management control